Arbor Day Activities
The white clouds floated slowly in the sky, just like sailing canoes. The sunshine shone both through the cloud layers and on the earth. Besides, the warm rustling wind swayed alongside the leaves, which indicated that spring has come. Upon the arrival of the Arbor Day, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Teaching Affair Office organized a fulfilling Tree-planting event. After queuing up, we got on the buses and headed for our planting point--the Beautiful Pastoral in Daguan District.
All the scenery, excitement and fresh air continuously poured into the buses along the way. Getting off the buses, led by the staff, we could not wait to arrive at the planting point. However, the mud underneath badly grasped our feet just like the all-purpose adhesive. On the other hand, the mud seemed to beg us to protect the environment and plant the saplings!
Under the guidance of the workers, students began to act in order. We dug, stuck, stomp, turned over and watered the saplings to let them drink happily. The same process repeated over and over again. Though tired, we felt relaxed when a great many saplings stood tall and straight in the spring breeze, waving and nodding at us. At last, we hung the wish cards onto the seedlings to bless spring and the magnificent Mother Nature.
In conclusion, we should establish the consciousness and responsibility of protecting the environment from childhood, because each leaf and branch will bring us refreshing air. From now on, we are supposed to care for the environment and participate in more beneficial activities to protect the environment. Although we may not contribute much greenery in one event, the green hills and clear waters shall be all around China if we persist like the Saihanba people.






